Decimal, Hexadecimal and Binary Conversion Chart

Conversion Table Decimal – Hexadecimal – Binary Dec Hex Bin Dec Hex Bin Dec Hex Bin Dec Hex Bin 0 0 00000000 64 40 01000000 128 80 10000000 192 c0 11000000 1 1 00000001 65 41 01000001 129 81 10000001 193 c1 11000001 2 2 00000010 66 42 01000010 130 …

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Order Help

There are several things that you must do here so that may serve you quickly and efficiently, (1) Please tell us who you are, as without this information we cannot contact you, and (2) Please provide as much information as you can about the order you placed, what you have …

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Knowledge Center – Multi-Booting Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98 and RedHat 6.2

Multi-Booting Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98 and RedHat Linux 6.2 If you have arrived here through a search engine, click here! As mentioned at our Dual-Boot/Multi-Boot home page, while some of the principles surrounding the Dual-Boot and Multi-Boot process are, in some ways, set in stone, other portions …

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5 Brilliant Strategies You Can Implement to Reduce Your Mental Load

It is a good thing that people became more aware of mental conditions and treatments in recent years. Some of the main issues are related to an increased percentage of people who are struggling with depression and anxiety. Many factors are causing these issues, and many of them are related …

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How to fix iPhone White Screen

iPhone users are plagued by various hardware and software-related problems. Despite the advanced level of technology used in the apple devices, one or another problem might spring up causing the device to slow down or simply stop functioning altogether. One such problem is the infamous iPhone white screen of death. …

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4 Things to Know About Diaper Sizes and when it’s Time to Upsize

Having a baby is surely an amazing experience for the parents, but on the other hand, they have a lot of questions and need a lot of help, especially when it comes to diaper change, feeding, sleeping schedule, and everything else related to that tiny human being they brought to …

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Advantages of Studying Online – In 2024

Are you considering signing up for an online class but aren’t sure if it is a good idea? In the modern tech-driven world, you handle various activities leveraging the advancements, sometimes even without realizing it. As you consider online programs, you might be worried that you aren’t tech-savvy enough to …

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Real-Life Applications of Statistical Skills

Statistics is a broad subject and has numerous real-life applications. You need to understand it to apply it in life. It is used in robotics, data science, sports, weather forecasting, and business. That is not all, and there are other concepts where statistics is applicable. Some of them include budgeting, …

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How to Get an Instagram Username That is Inactive – 2024 Guide

Instagram is, without a doubt, the most popular social media out there. By taking a look at official statistics, released by Facebook, you will see that it has more than one billion daily active users. Not only that they are active once a day, but they also use a majority …

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10 Basic Clothing Items Every Gentleman should Have

For perfectly good clothing, every gentleman should have a perfect wardrobe with high-quality clothing items in it. Yet simply, there should be at least one suit that carries no excuse of how stylish it can be. Here is a list of some basic clothing items every gentleman should have in …

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