FontPage Tips and Tricks – Crash Course in HTML

HTML, The Basics and Clean Code! Many speak of writing HTML code as programming, but in the strict sense it isn’t. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. While HTML can be used to have a browser do many things, it doesn’t perform the types of tasks programming in C+ or …

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Performance Center Introduction, Computers, Servers, Networking, Site Design

FRONTPAGE SHORTCUTS Let FrontPage Do The Walking Here’s way to save your fingers from some extra work. Set FrontPage to automatically open the last web you were working on when you re-launch the program. This is a particularly handy trick if you know you’ll be working on the same web …

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Disk Duplexing

Disk Duplexing If you have arrived here through a search engine, and there’s no menu to the left, click here! Disk Duplexing, sometimes mistakenly referred to as “Disk Mirroring” is a means of duplicating and saving data to provide data protection. It consists of copying data onto two hard disks, …

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System Fault Tolerance

(SFT) A means of protecting data by providing procedures that allow you to automatically recover from hardware failures. There are three levels of SFT; each level of redundancy (duplication) decreases the possibility of data loss. SFT Level I: Hot Fix. This is generally operating system dependent, and ensures that data …

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Glossary of RAID Terminology

Array Two or more hard disk drives grouped together to appear as a single device to the host computer. Bootable Array Support The ability to make the system boot from a RAID array instead of from a stand alone (single) disk. Cache A temporary, fast storage area that holds data …

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Intel Chipset Reference Comparison

Marketing Name Code Name Processors Supported Max RAM Max Cachable RAM Max SIMM Slots SIMM Types SIMM Protection Max CPUs EIDE Disk Support USB 450NX PCIset ? Pentium II Xeon, 100MHz bus 8G (64Mbit) Interleaved 8G 32 EDO and DRAM ECC 4 PIIX4E Ulta DMA/33 33 MB/s Host/Hub 440GX AGPset …

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Microsoft Windows Media Player upgrades the previous versions of Media Player, NetShow player, and ActiveMovie player and plays most multimedia content formats located on the Internet or your computer, including Windows Media, Real Audio/RealVideo 4.0, QuickTime, AVI, WAV, MP3 and more.

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Using Windows 98 Update

Using Windows Update On of the greatest features during the Windows® evolution process is the Windows Update feature. On the presumption that you have Internet access, Windows Update will allow you to log onto the Microsoft Windows Update site and view any number of add-on features beginning with security fixes, …

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PCI IDE Controller Compatibility Mode Error

PCI IDE Bus Compatibility Mode Errors After installing Windows 95 on your system, you may have one particular error that seems to be troublesome to resolve, and that is with the PCI IDE bus controller on the motherboard. This “PCI IDE” bus is for your IDE hard drives and any …

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