Secure Outlook Express

The version of Outlook Express that comes with Windows is a great full featured email and newsgroup reader application. It also allows you to setup more than one user, enabling you to keep your messages, separate from other people. You can also setup a password to restrict access, but with …

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Process Viewer For Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT

PrcView for Windows 95, 98, NT and Windows 2000 Introduction: PrcView is a process viewer utility that displays detailed information about processes running under Windows. For each process it displays memory, threads and module usage. For each DLL it shows full path and version information. PrcView comes with a command …

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Windows Regsitry Protection

RegistryProt RegistryProt is a small, yet well written application that monitors your Windows registry just waiting for some insidious Trojan program to infect your computer and change the registry. This program is a 100% free, standalone, compact, low-level real time registry monitor and protector, that adds another dimension to Windows …

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CPU Task Manager for Windows 95 and Windows 98

CPU Task Manager for Windows 95 and Windows 98 All too often we find ourselves trying to sort out Windows 95 and Windows 98 problems by trying to find out what is running in the background that is eating up so many of our processor and memory resources. Merely touching …

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Creating Help Files For Windows

Help File Creation Made Easy RTF2HLP© RTF2HLP is a freeware tool that converts Microsoft’s® Word RTF document to a Windows Help file. The main advantage of RTF2HLP is that it converts documents without the need of any extra project files. Writing a help file is simple as this: Write your …

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Finding Memory Leaks in Windows 2000

Finding Memory Leaks in Windows 2000 How to Use Umdh.exe to Find Memory Leaks This information applies to: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Microsoft Windows NT Server version 4.0 Microsoft Windows NT Workstation version 4.0 User-Mode Dump Heap Utility (UMDH) The user-mode …

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Keyboard Shortcut Mapping Tool

Shortcuts Map For Windows 95, 98 and NT If you’re accustomed to using keyboard shortcuts to do things rather than mouse-clicks, you may find this little mapping utility useful. Shortcuts Map will help you to manage hotkeys assigned to Windows shortcuts on the desktop or in the Start menu hierarchy. …

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Widget's Print Directory V3.0

Widget’s Print Directory V3.0 Trying to print a directory (folder) listing can be a pain in the neck, and this is aside from the time consuming task in doing so. Widget’s Print Directory handles this task easily, along with a few others. In addition to being able to print our …

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Bandwidth Meter 2001

Bandwidth Meter 2001 Version: 2.0 File Size: 1.8mb Description: Bandwidth Meter 2001 is a compact freeware program that monitors your TCP/IP network connections to provide averages of speed, and cumulative download reports from up to 8 network adapters simultaneously. Version 2.0 now has a brand new, less bulky interface, and the ability …

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Welcome to History Book for IE5

History Book for IE5 Wouldn’t it be nice to have your Internet Explorer History ( a record of the sites you visited) condensed neatly into a format that you can review and understand? Well History Book for Internet Explorer 5.x does just that and maybe a little more, and more …

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