Microsoft Data Access Component and FrontPage 98 Issues and Articles

Microsoft Data Access Component and FrontPage 98 Issues and Related Articles The above material is being provided to you in support of particular products, including those provided by Microsoft and others. In those cases where the information we have provided is protected by copyrights belonging to others, we hereby acknowledge …

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dir MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (1.0 and later) Syntax: DIR [d:][path][filename] [/A:(attributes)] [/O:(order)] [/B][/C][/CH][/L][/S][/P] [/W] Purpose: Displays directory of files and directories stored on disk. Discussion In addition to files and directories, DIR also displays both the volume name and amount of free storage space on the disk (if there are files stored …

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move MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (6.0 and later) Syntax: MOVE [/Y|/-Y] [d:][path]filename[,[d:][path]filename[…]] destination Purpose: Moves one or more files to the location you specify. Can also be used to rename directories. Discussion To move a file or files, you specify the name and location of the file or files you want to move …

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rename MS-DOS Command

Type: Internal (1.0 and later) Syntax: RENAME (REN) [d:][path]filename filename Purpose: Changes the filename under which a file is stored. Discussion RENAME changes the name of the first filename you enter to the second filename you enter. If you enter a path designation for the first filename, the renamed file …

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Intel Memory Translator Hub (MTH) ID Utility DOS Version

Intel® Memory Translator Hub (MTH) Reboot Issue Intel® MTH ID Utility (DOS Version) The Intel® MTH ID Utility has been designed to allow any user with an Intel processor based-system to test for the presence of a Memory Translator Hub (MTH) component on your system. This DOS version of the …

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Setting up Microsoft's Personal Web Server on Your Computer – Part 3

http://Susan. ]]> Installation and Setup Version 4.0 Part 3 Setting up Personal Web Server: Once your computer restarts and you are back to the desktop, you will note that the installation process will have added a new icon to your task bar, next to the time display. To open the …

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Search and Replace Binary Mode Editor

Search and Replace Binary Mode Editor A Search and Replace includes Binary Operations that allows you to search for &/or replace binary characters such as tabs, line feeds, & special characters. A handy list of 255 binary codes is provided. Binary mode operations can be part of an ordinary search …

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Additional Screen Shots

Advanced Subnet Calculator Additional Screen Shots    Determines response time, Hex address, Binary Address, and Class information Generate Subnet by: Mask Bits, Host Bits, Number of Subnets or Host Create and print working lists of IP Addresses with Masks Advanced Subnet Calculator is a Copyrighted (© 1995-2000) product of SolarWinds.Net …

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What is FTP?

What is FTP FTP is an acronym for File Transfer Protocol. As the name implies, FTP is used to transfer files between computers on a network, such as the Internet. You can use FTP to exchange files between computer accounts, and for fast file transfers between an account and a desktop …

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Encryption Plus

Encryption Plus* Secure Export protects all the information you send to others or place on the Internet. Your recipients do not need any special software to read your files. Encryption Plus Secure Export encrypts data for transmission over the Internet, on diskette, and CD-ROM, via modem, e-mail, or over a …

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