Gestational surrogacy is a unique chance for people who cannot give birth on their own to become parents. In Ukraine, as in many other countries, it is pretty legal today. Quality surrogacy services have become available thanks to surrogacy agencies ready to assist at all stages of the surrogacy process. They usually cooperate with a reliable clinic and link customers (married couple, single women and men, gay men, etc.) and a woman ready to bear and give birth to a child.
Find valuable information below on how surrogacy agencies work and their list of services.
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Implementation of the Program of Surrogacy in Ukraine

According to the World Center of Baby, the sequence of implementation of the surrogacy program in Ukraine, which the agencies follow, looks something like this:
- The surrogacy clinic Ukraine and doctors who will do IVF are selected;
- The reception of hormonal drugs according to a cycle of the woman is signed;
- Embryo implantation and pregnancy confirmation are performed;
- The woman is registered for pregnancy;
- Doctors regularly examine the surrogate mother;
- Every month the woman receives money for food, accommodation, and clothes. This price is negotiated between the parties to the contract individually;
- The last stage is the birth of a baby, payment of the total amount to the surrogate mother, and registration of documents under the law.
For example, collaboration through specialized agencies, such as the World Center of Baby, is safe. In addition, all participants in the procedure receive round-the-clock support and complete confidentiality.
Range of Services Provided by a Surrogacy Agency
Here is a standard set of services provided by a surrogacy agency:
- Assistance in choosing a medical institution where IVF, pregnancy, and childbirth will take place;
- Selection of surrogate mothers who meet the criteria specified by the genetic parents in the questionnaire. Organization of medical and psychological examination of candidates, testing, the experience of participation in previous programs;
- Development of an agreement between the genetic parents and the surrogate mother. The agreement regulates the rights and obligations, sets special conditions, and protects the interests of all parties;
- Ensuring the successful preparation of the surrogate mother for the program, support during visits to the medical institution, and informing parents about the course of pregnancy;
- Providing legal and other organizational and advisory assistance in preparing the package of documents required for the program.
Surrogacy Agency Requirements for Surrogate Mothers

To cooperate with a surrogacy agency, a surrogate mother should meet the following requirements:
- Have no bad habits. The expectant mother should be free of any bad habits, such as smoking or alcohol abuse;
- Age from 19 to 36 years. According to the legislation of Ukraine, women aged 19 to 36 can participate in such programs;
- Having my own child. A prerequisite for participation in the program is the presence of own healthy child;
- Absence of cesarean section in the anamnesis. A woman can become a participant in the program if her previous births took place without a cesarean section;
- No hereditary diseases. A woman can become a participant in the program if she does not have diseases that can be transmitted to a baby;
- Rhesus positive blood factor. Only women with Rh-positive blood are eligible for the surrogacy program.
When concluding a surrogacy contract, the surrogate mother must:
- Provide customers with a medical report her their physical, mental, and reproductive health;
- Regularly be observed by a doctor and strictly follow the recommendations and prescriptions;
- Inform the persons who have agreed with her about the course of pregnancy with the frequency specified in the contract;
- Transfer the born baby to the persons who have concluded a surrogacy contract with her.
The surrogate mom is fully responsible for the pregnancy provided for in the surrogacy agreement after using assisted reproductive methods and technologies.
Surrogacy Agency Requirements for Customers
The main requirement of the surrogate agency for customers, in whose interests surrogacy is carried out, is the presence of a genetic link with the child.
When concluding a surrogacy contract, customers are required to:
- Pay material expenses for a medical examination of a surrogacy mother;
- Pay material costs for the use of assisted reproductive methods and technologies;
- Submit a medical report on physical and mental health, as well as the results of a medical genetic examination to a medical organization;
- Pay the costs of medical care during pregnancy and childbirth. And in case of complications associated with pregnancy and childbirth, pay the costs within seventy days after delivery.
How to Use the Services of a Surrogacy Agency?

If you want to use the services of a surrogacy agency, you should choose one of the best, such as the World Center of Baby, and contact it. The first stage is carried out in the form of a conversation. Agency specialists and genetic parents discuss all the features of the upcoming participation in the program, including the requirements and wishes for a surrogate mother. After all issues of concern are resolved, an agreement is drawn up, and the agency begins to work.
Each customer can use both services separately, for example, only the search for a surrogate mother or apply for one of the complex programs in which the surrogacy program is carried out in full. A conscientious agency terminates cooperation with genetic parents only after the surrogate mother gives them the child or when the birth certificate is issued.
In conclusion, we should note that cooperation with the surrogacy agency is quite reliable. Turning there, you can be sure that your rights are protected. Pay attention that different agencies offer slightly different prices for surrogacy services. For example, as for the World Center of Baby, the services of a surrogate mother in Ukraine cost approximately $35,000. Visit the website if the price suits you.